UCLA Humanities offers an annual competitive cycle for graduate student fellowships and awards to support research, travel and dissertation work. Awards range between $2,000 and $8,000, and are generously funded by individual donors and foundations.
Graduate students may search for additional funding sources on the GRAPES database, which is hosted by the UCLA Division of Graduate Education, or on websites hosted by the various UCLA centers that support research, travel or work based in specific areas of study.
Opportunities in current grant cycle
The Division of Humanities at UCLA is offering two dissertation writing fellowships for the summer of 2025 in the amount of $8,000 each on the theme of “Entanglement.” This fellowship is supported by an MRPI grant from UCOP that sponsors the activities of the UC Humanities Consortium. “Entanglement” is this year’s UC-wide theme.
Applications are open to graduate students in the Division of Humanities only. Please note that only graduate students enrolled in a graduate program in the Division of Humanities who have taken their qualifying exams and have been advanced to doctoral candidacy may apply. Awardees must not hold another major graduate award in summer 2025 (for example: Keck, DYA) or be employed as an ASE/GSR over 25%.
Fellowship Requirements
- Presentation of a research paper at a UCLA conference or on another UC campus based on your dissertation topic in Fall 2025, Winter 2026 or Spring 2026. If presenting at UCLA campus, the presentation may be a hybrid presentation (virtual and in-person simultaneously) to include other UC campuses in the audience.
- Participation in UC-wide virtual activities with other UC dissertation fellows working on the theme of “Entanglement” (this will likely include 1-3 meetings, sessions or check-ins).
- A 1-page report on dissertation writing progress made over Summer 2025, with the reports due by November 1, 2025.
Applications materials to be submitted in one PDF document
- Cover letter including name, department, email, advisor name, dissertation title and dissertation abstract.
- Dissertation status and timeline: Please explain the current status of your dissertation writing: how much is complete and how much remains to be completed. Please also indicate your writing goals and timeline for summer 2025.
- Dissertation’s connection to the Entanglement theme (250 words max)
In addition, please request a letter of support from your advisor, to be sent separately to bvannost@humnet.ucla.edu by the March 31 application deadline.
March 31, 2025
Awardees will be announced in mid-May 2025.
This award was created to address unforeseen hardships and financial constraints related to the completion of the doctoral degree. An award of up to $5,000 will be given annually to one recipient as stipend support in the final year of the student’s dissertation writing.
A submitted UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship is required for this application. The award is open to applicants in all departments in the Division of Humanities, with preference given to students enrolled in the Departments of English, European Languages and Transcultural Studies, and Comparative Literature whose dissertation topic includes the study of Italy.
The application should include:
- UCLA Dissertation Year Award (DYA) Application for AY 25-26;
- Statement addressing demonstrated financial need along with report of any additional funding the applicant anticipates receiving for the AY 25-26 (no longer than 500 words);
The deadline for students to submit application materials to their departments will be set by their individual departments. Please contact your department’s student affairs advisor to learn more. The deadline for departments to submit applications to the dean’s office is April 4, 2025.
Applications will be reviewed after UCLA’s Dissertation Year Awardees for 25-26 have been announced, at the end of May 2025; the awardee will receive funds during winter quarter of 2026.
Opportunities in next grant cycle
Humanistic inquiry at UCLA covers a breadth of fields, from philosophy to musicology to languages from every part of the world. Programs in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts teach students to articulate their thoughts with clarity and imagination, and to interpret the world of ideas with informed sensitivity in preparation for a culturally rich life as informed and humane citizens.
The UCLA/Keck Humanistic Inquiry Graduate Research Awards Program offers summer support for individual or collaborative graduate student research and creative activity. This innovative program selects a cohort of Keck Graduate Fellows on the cutting edge of their field with proposals that advance humanistic inquiry.
Keck Graduate Fellows receive a stipend of $8,000, lump sum, for the duration of the summer quarter, to support their proposed research/creative activity. If a group of students is applying under one research proposal, an award will be shared equally among the recipients. An important component of the program is supervision from a ladder faculty mentor who can provide the Fellow(s) intellectual support and constructive feedback during the term of the award. Faculty mentors who sponsor successful proposals will receive $1,000 in research funds for fulfilling this commitment.
Keck Graduate Fellows will be required to report on the research/creative activity completed during the award period and will also be expected to take part in professional opportunities to present their research. Fellows may be asked to present their research at UCLA.
This exciting opportunity is thanks to the W.M. Keck Foundation. Established in 1954 in Los Angeles, the Keck Foundation is one of the nation’s largest philanthropic organizations. In recent years, the Foundation has focused on Science and Engineering Research; Medical Research; Undergraduate Education; and Southern California. Each of its grant programs invests in people and programs that are making a difference in the quality of life, now and for the future.
- Currently enrolled graduate student, must be enrolled in Spring 2025, and have completed at least one year of graduate study by the time of the award
- Enrolled in a graduate program in one of the following Schools: the Division of Humanities; the Division of Social Sciences; the International Institute; Luskin School of Public Affairs; the School of Education and Information Studies; the School of Arts and Architecture; the School of Theater, Film, and Television; or the Herb Alpert School of Music.
- Students must be conducting humanistic research/ creative activity for this award and must be in good academic standing, 3.0 GPA or above.
- Students must also not be graduating in Spring 2025; although they may graduate or be on filing fee in Fall 2025
For student applicants, the deadline is March 3, 2025 via Academic Works
Individual application direct link: https://ucla.academicworks.com/opportunities/113297
Group application direct link: https://ucla.academicworks.com/opportunities/113300
Academic Works System Information: All applicants must complete a general information application on the Academic Works system, but questions without asterisks can be skipped. For the Personal Statement, you can use your biography.
Please note the deadline for letters of recommendation ONLY has been extended to March 10 via the Academic Works system. Applicants can submit letter writer contact information once their application is started, and before the submission of a completed application.
Announcement of Keck Graduate Fellow awardees for Summer 2025
Mid-May 2025
Award Period
July 2025 – September 2025
Submission documents
- Research Proposal with a timeline of work to be completed; no longer than four pages, double spaced, 12 pt. type, 1-inch margins. The research/creative activity can be related to dissertation or thesis work but does not have to be. Please also provide a short abstract of this proposal no longer than 250 words along with a title of the proposed research/creative activity.
- CV; if a group project, provide CVs for all applicants.
- Statement of projected research costs (can be used for living expenses*); please include other forms of support that have been secured for the award period.
- Short bio of applicant(s).
- Letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor who has agreed to mentor this research/creative activity.
Please click here for applicant budget guidelines.
Publicizing awardees
The name, home department, and a short bio of Keck Graduate Fellows may be published on the UCLA Humanities website, or in its publications. Awardees who do not want their information shared should indicate that in the online submission form.
This fellowship is intended to support one graduate student each year from across the humanities or social sciences who has an approved dissertation topic focusing on Persian/Iranian studies. The fellowship provides $30,000 in direct support and may not be used to cover fees or tuition. The fellowship recipient will be permitted to apply for a second year of support, but the second year is not guaranteed. The recipient will be required to provide a letter outlining progress during the fellowship year and any notable accomplishments produced as a result of the fellowship.
- Enrolled at UCLA full-time and having completed the course work for a Ph.D. program within the Divisions of Humanities or Social Sciences
- An approved dissertation topic focusing on Persian/Iranian studies
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 throughout Ph.D. studies
- Demonstrated strong interest and excellence in Persian/Iranian studies
Application Materials to be submitted in one PDF document
- Curriculum Vitae
- Two-page (maximum) description of the student’s dissertation work that also outlines how the fellowship year will support progress toward the Ph.D.
- Letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation director or other suitable faculty member.
- Letter or email from your department student affairs officer/admin confirming support of fees for the AY 25-26.
The call for nominations each academic year is sent through the department Student Affairs Officers. A committee comprised of faculty representatives from humanities and social sciences will review and rank applicants and award notifications will be sent to departments.
The deadline to submit nominations is March 3, 2025. Please submit your self nomination to Barbara Van Nostrand at bvannost@humnet.ucla.edu. A committee comprised of faculty representatives from humanities and social sciences will review and rank applicants and award notifications will be sent to departments and candidates no later than May 2025.
This fellowship supports a humanities graduate student research that utilizes digital tools with a preference for interdisciplinary research in the Digital Humanities. This fellowship provides $6,000 for a student to conduct research during summer 2025. Research may or may not be related to a student’s dissertation. Award period covers three months, July – September.
- Enrolled graduate student in the Division of Humanities
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Applications Materials
Please submit the following three items in a single PDF document:
- Research proposal no longer than four pages, double spaced, 12 pt. type, 1-inch margins. Please include short abstract of this proposal no longer than 250 words
- CV
- Budget, including (but not limited to) travel and living expenses
In a separate document, each applicant should email a letter of recommendation from a faculty mentor supporting the research project.
All application materials should be sent directly to Barbara Van Nostrand, bvannost@humnet.ucla.edu.
Deadline for nominations is March 3, 2025. Please submit your self-nomination to Barbara Van Nostrand at bvannost@humnet.ucla.edu.
These fellowships are intended to support graduate students from across the humanities to advance their research during one quarter of their pre-dissertation year. To clarify, this is the year prior to their Dissertation Year Award. These funds may be used for stipend support for one academic quarter and/or may provide support for legitimate research and travel expenses. Fellowships will be for up to $10,000. In normal circumstances, the quarter in question will fall during the regular academic year, since the intent of this program is to free students from the demands of working as a TA during a portion of the academic year preceding their dissertation year. Please note that the Division will allow recipients of the award to work up to 25% the quarter they are on this fellowship. Nevertheless, applications for summer support will be considered, though such applications should also include a note from the student’s advisor or department chair, explaining (a) why support for a summer fellowship is preferable, and (b) what the student’s support package will involve (TA-ship, RA-ship, fellowship, etc.) during AY 25-26. Please note, the department will be responsible for the quarterly fees if the applicant is selected for the fellowship.
- Enrolled graduate student in the Division of Humanities.
- Each department may nominate one student only
- Minimum 3.0 GPA
Applications Materials to be submitted in one PDF document
- CV;
- Two-page (maximum) description of the student’s proposed use of funding, including a budget. Budget items may include any legitimate research expense, including (but not limited to) travel. Stipend support for up to one academic quarter is also allowable;
- Letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation director or other suitable faculty member.
Please consult with your individual department student affairs officer on the process for being nominated for this fellowship.
The application deadline for students to submit their materials to their department for AY 25-26 will be set by their department. Please contact your department Student Affairs Advisor to learn more. The Department deadline for submission to the dean’s office is March 3, 2025.
These fellowships provide funds for travel and living expenses for UCLA graduate students in the Humanities to conduct research in foreign countries. Awards typically range from $2,000 to $8,000 each, depending on the extent of the research proposed. Awards can cover a period ranging from three months to one year. These fellowships are meant for research only and are not to be used for activities such as enrolling in foreign institutions.
- Applicants must be graduate students in the Division of Humanities.
- Each department may nominate one student.
- Nominees must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
Application materials to be submitted in one PDF document
- CV;
- Two-page (maximum) description of the student’s proposed project including the following details: a budget breakdown that specifies the length of time to be spent abroad, explanation of the need to travel abroad, information about the archival holdings and locations the student needs to visit, and evidence substantiating that the project can be carried out, such as supporting letters from archives abroad;
- Letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation director or other suitable faculty member.
Please consult with your individual department’s student affairs officer on the process for being nominated for this fellowship.
The application deadline for students to submit their materials to their department for AY 25-26 will be set by individual departments. Please contact your department’s student affairs advisor to learn more.
Departments must submit nominations to the dean’s office by March 3, 2025.
These fellowships provide funds for travel and living expenses for UCLA graduate students in the Humanities to conduct research in foreign countries. Awards typically range from $2,000 to $6,000 each, depending on the extent of the research proposed. Awards can cover a period ranging from three months to one year. These fellowships are meant for research only and are not to be used for activities such as enrolling in foreign institutions or paying tuition at UCLA.
- Applicants must be graduate students in the Division of Humanities.
- Each department may nominate one student.
- Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA.
Applications materials to be submitted in one PDF document
- CV;
- Two-page (maximum) description of the student’s proposed project including the following details: a budget breakdown that specifies the length of time to be spent abroad, explanation of the need to travel abroad, information about the archival holdings and locations the student needs to visit, and evidence substantiating that the project can be carried out, such as supporting letters from archives abroad;
- Letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation director or other suitable faculty member.
Please consult with your individual department’s student affairs officer on the process for being nominated for this fellowship.
The application deadline for students to submit their materials to their department for AY 25-26 will be set by their department. Please contact your department’s student affairs advisor to learn more.
Departments must submit nominations to the dean’s office by March 3, 2025.