A rainbow of birds in haiku

English major Rebecca von Damm creates a flight of seven original poems

Text reading "Birdbow" and "By Rebecca von Damm" on a notebook page

UCLA College

UCLA College | September 9, 2024

English major Rebecca von Damm creates vivid vignettes, 17 syllables at a time.

On her Instagram, page @heatherigarnet, the fourth-year student regularly posts original haiku poems that evoke, almost tangibly, the sights, scents, sounds and feelings of everyday life.

Von Damm recently contributed her talents to “We Are UCLAvian,” a UCLA College mini-magazine themed around birds. Her “Birdbow” is a cycle of seven compositions that form a literal Roy G. Biv of avian haiku. The poems honor the rosella (red), oriole (orange), canary (yellow), tanager (green), blue jay (blue), bunting (indigo) and amethyst starling (violet).

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Explore more of “We Are UCLAvian” at UCLA Newsroom.