Postponed: Inaugural Dean of Humanities’ Lecture in Critical Humanistic Inquiry: “Visualizing Mestizaje through Zapotec Remappings of the Americas”

Hershey Hall Salon and Zoom

This event has been postponed. A new date will be announced soon. Read more here. Tens of thousands of Indigenous peoples have migrated to the United States since 1994, the vast majority from Mexico and Mesoamerica. As a consequence, the U.S. Native American population increased by 86% between 2010 and 2020. Zapotec is now second only to Navajo as the most-spoken Indigenous language in the U.S., while bilingual immersion in Mixtec and English is part of NYC public school curriculum. This is challenging how we define Indigeneity in the United States, but it is also challenging how Latinx Studies will...