For classics and history major Kaitlyn Coons, graduation isn’t the end of the UCLA journey
After graduating with two majors and two minors, she will begin a postbaccalaureate in the classics department this fall.
After graduating with two majors and two minors, she will begin a postbaccalaureate in the classics department this fall.
The professors will pursue projects at the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies in Florence, Italy.
Deans, associate deans and faculty members from eight campuses came together for a working session convened by Dean Alexandra Minna Stern.
“Grand Theft Eco,” a series of three short films, was created by a team led by professors Ursula Heise and Danny Snelson.
As the English Department’s author in residence, the UCLA alumna is teaching an undergraduate poetry workshop.
An animated short conceived by the UCLA professor will be screened at the prestigious festival.
The prize recognizes outstanding scholarly work or educational service by emeriti faculty in the humanities and social sciences.
The scholar of early Jewish community and the Hebrew bible said it was “surreal” being on the set of one of his favorite TV shows.
In his acceptance letter, Taylor quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson: “But do your work and I shall know you.”
The author of the National Book Award-winning “Blackouts” is working on his third novel, which considers the role of triadic relations in structuring life.
The professor of English and of African American studies said the book highlights the shift taking place within Black studies and the need for further research.
The first performances of the UCLA-produced tour drew enthusiastic praise from the critic Richard Brody of The New Yorker.
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