These fellowships are intended to support graduate students from across the humanities to advance their research during one quarter of their pre-dissertation year. To clarify, this is the year prior to their DYF year. These funds may be used for stipend support for one academic quarter and/or may provide support for legitimate research and travel expenses. Fellowships will be for UP TO $8,000. In normal circumstances, the quarter in question will fall during the regular academic year, since the intent of this program is to free students from the demands of working as a TA during a portion of the academic year preceding their dissertation year. Please note that the Division will allow recipients of the award to work up to 25% the quarter they are on this fellowship. Nevertheless, applications for summer support will be considered, though such applications should also include a note from the student’s advisor or department chair, explaining (a) why support for a summer fellowship is preferable, and (b) what the student’s support package will involve (TA-ship, RA-ship, fellowship, etc.) during AY 24-25. Please note, the department will be responsible for the quarterly fees if the applicant is selected for the fellowship.
Each department may nominate one student. Applications should include the following in one PDF document:
- A CV
- A two-page (maximum) description of the student’s proposed use of the funding, to include a budget. Budget items may include any legitimate research expense, including (but not limited to) travel. Stipend support for up to one academic quarter is also allowable
- A letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation director or other suitable faculty member
Please consult with your individual department Student Affairs Officer on the process for being nominated for this fellowship. Only open to students in the Division of Humanities.
The application deadline for students to submit their materials to their department for AY 24-25 will be set by your department, please contact your department Student Affairs Advisor. The Department deadline for submission to the Dean’s office on March 1st, 2024.