2022-23 Colloquium: The Reasons We Cannot Share

Royce Hall 243

April 21, 2023 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PT Royce Hall 243 (and Zoom) Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98234276234?pwd=ZkpiMFNCSjFvSVNoK1FpWFBJWjkzQT09   Join us on April 21, 2023 for a colloquium with Kyla Ebels Duggan, Northwestern University. The talk will take place in Royce Hall Room 243 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM with a reception on the 3rd floor Royce Patio to follow.   RSVP HERE   The Reasons We Cannot Share   According to political liberals, a pluralist society should leave each person free to pursue their own conception of the good, but individuals should bracket these values when engaging in...

Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) Colloquium: Against Philosophy, Against Inquiry

UCLA Department of English, Kaplan Hall 193 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

April 28th, 2023 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PT Kaplan Hall 193 (and Zoom) Hosted by Minorities and Philosophy (MAP) at UCLA Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/94960209231?pwd=Q3lLbnRzNXZPRkgxZ3FnOFFEbHVEZz09   Join us on April 28th, 2023 for a colloquium with Dr. Johnathan Flowers, California State University, Northridge. The talk will take place in Kaplan Hall Room 193 from 4:00PM – 6:00PM with a reception to follow.   RSVP HERE   Note: ASL interpreters will be available for the duration of the talk.   Against Philosophy, Against Inquiry   This talk will position the current practice of inquiry in philosophy, colloquially described as “just asking questions,” as enabling the maintenance...

Meditations Journal Conference

Dodd Hall 399

May 5, 2023 | 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM Dodd Hall 399   Please join us on Friday, May 5th, 2023 from 4pm – 8pm in Dodd 399 for the Meditations Journal Conference.   In 2014, the Philosophy Club at UCLA proudly hosted its first conference on behalf of Meditations: The Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy at UCLA. All participating authors and editors of the journal were undergraduate students who dedicated several months to this philosophical project. This conference was an exciting opportunity to honor their hard work and hear them present their original ideas. Additionally, we look forward to again hosting a keynote...

2022-23: Colloquium: Hume on Economic Inequality

UCLA Department of English, Kaplan Hall 193 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

May 8, 2023 | 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM PT Kaplan 193 and Zoom Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99674975385   On May 8, 2023, the Philosophy Dept. History Occasional Colloquium will host a talk by and discussion with Professor Margaret Schabas (UBC) on “Hume and Economic Inequality.” The talk will take place in Kaplan Hall Room 193 from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM.  Here is the Zoom link if you would like to join virtually: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99674975385 RSVP HERE   Hume and Economic Inequality   In his essay “Of the Original Contract,” Hume endorsed the longstanding belief in “how nearly equal all men are...

Being in the World: Startup Career Panel

On Zoom

May 10, 2023 | 6:00PM – 7:00PM PT Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/96491280392?pwd=YjFTVi9LTEtEelpZOWQyZFZoblByQT09 RSVP HERE   Are you considering entering the startup world after earning your Philosophy degree? Join us for a virtual career panel and Q&A with UCLA Philosophy alumni who have built exciting careers as founders, CTOs, and CEOs of tech startups!    Find out what our alumni are doing now and how they got there. Walk away with real-world advice for how to approach your post-grad career.   RSVP here to get the Zoom link     Meet the Speakers   Alfred Fung, CEO of FUN-GI Alfred is the Founder...

2022-23: Colloquium: Does Institutional Racism Presuppose Racist Ideology?

UCLA Department of English, Kaplan Hall 193 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

May 12, 2023 | 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PT Kaplan 193 (and Zoom) Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/98656610498?pwd=TkRXeUMvdDVkRDlPY1piQVVxZ2gydz09   Join us on May 12, 2023 for a colloquium with Alberto Urquidez, St. Olaf College. The talk will take place in Kaplan Hall Room 193 from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM with a light reception on the Shostak Terrace in front of Murphy Hall to follow.   RSVP HERE   Does Institutional Racism Presuppose Racist Ideology?   What is racism? Standard definitions depict racism as a personal phenomenon thereby inviting questions about personal responsibility. A common definition analyzes racism as a cognitive phenomenon,...

Studies in Language, Information, Meaning, and Expression (SLIME)

UCLA Department of English, Kaplan Hall 193 415 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

May 19-20, 2023 Kaplan Hall 193 RSVP HERE   Please join us for SLIME (Studies in Language, Information, Meaning, and Expression), a workshop at UCLA on May 19-20, 2023. All are welcome.   The conference is pre-view. Each session is 100 minutes. The commentator will start the session with 15-20 min discussion. The speaker may reply for up to 15 minutes. The rest is Q+A.   The most up-to-date schedule and information are available on the workshop website HERE.   RSVP HERE TO ATTEND     Speaker links: Márta Abrusán Judith Fan Carolina Flores Guillermo Del Pinal W. Starr​ Seth...

Being in the World: Philosophy & MBA Career Panel

On Zoom

May 24, 2023 | 6:00PM – 7:00PM PT Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93664571311?pwd=NkZaRjN6aFp2Tm5BdkJKcUtVeEx4UT09 RSVP HERE   Are you considering pursuing an MBA after earning your Philosophy degree? Join us for a virtual career panel and Q&A with UCLA Philosophy alumni who completed their MBAs and went on to become senior leads/directors at businesses like Google and Scotiabank.   Find out what our alumni are doing now and how they got there. Walk away with real-world advice for how to approach your post-grad career.   RSVP here to get the Zoom link     Meet the Speakers   Alison Carroll, Executive and Internal Communications...

2022-23 Colloquium: “Art as a Shelter from Science”

Royce Hall 314

May 26, 2023 | 4:00PM – 6:00PM Royce 314 Zoom link: https://ucla.zoom.us/j/99826733700?pwd=cGUvN1ZzdXdrZmVibElaVVRTZnJTZz09 RSVP HERE   Join us on May 26, 2023 for a colloquium with C. Thi Nguyen, University of Utah. The talk will take place in Royce 314 from 4:00PM – 6:00PM with a reception on the Royce Patio (3rd floor) to follow.   RSVP HERE   Art as a Shelter from Science   Aesthetic judgment is different from scientific judgment. For many, a key difference is that aesthetic judgment does not proceed via inferences. We cannot infer the existence of an aesthetic property based on the application of...

Study Break with the Philosophy Department

Dodd Hall 399

June 5, 2023 | 5:30PM – 7:30PM Dodd Hall 399 Take a study break and relax with the Philosophy Department while you enjoy some pizza and refreshments in Dodd 399!   RSVP HERE     var gform;gform||(document.addEventListener("gform_main_scripts_loaded",function(){gform.scriptsLoaded=!0}),window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){gform.domLoaded=!0}),gform={domLoaded:!1,scriptsLoaded:!1,initializeOnLoaded:function(o){gform.domLoaded&&gform.scriptsLoaded?o():!gform.domLoaded&&gform.scriptsLoaded?window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",o):document.addEventListener("gform_main_scripts_loaded",o)},hooks:{action:{},filter:{}},addAction:function(o,n,r,t){gform.addHook("action",o,n,r,t)},addFilter:function(o,n,r,t){gform.addHook("filter",o,n,r,t)},doAction:function(o){gform.doHook("action",o,arguments)},applyFilters:function(o){return gform.doHook("filter",o,arguments)},removeAction:function(o,n){gform.removeHook("action",o,n)},removeFilter:function(o,n,r){gform.removeHook("filter",o,n,r)},addHook:function(o,n,r,t,i){null==gform.hooks&&(gform.hooks=;null==i&&(i=n+"_"+e.length),gform.hooks.push({tag:i,callable:r,priority:t=null==t?10:t})},doHook:function(n,o,r){var t;if(r=Array.prototype.slice.call(r,1),null!=gform.hooks&&((o=gform.hooks).sort(function(o,n){return o.priority-n.priority}),o.forEach(function(o){"function"!=typeof(t=o.callable)&&(t=window),"action"==n?t.apply(null,r):r=t.apply(null,r)})),"filter"==n)return r},removeHook:function(o,n,t,i){var r;null!=gform.hooks&&(r=(r=gform.hooks).filter(function(o,n,r){return!!(null!=i&&i!=o.tag||null!=t&&t!=o.priority)}),gform.hooks=r)}}); Join our mailing list Sign up for our mailing list to stay up-to-date with future UCLA Philosophy events, conferences, and colloquia! First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Email(Required) Affiliation(Required) UCLA Student UCLA Faculty or Staff UCLA Alumnus/Alumna Non-UCLA Student Non-UCLA Faculty or Staff General Public Other gform.initializeOnLoaded( function() {gformInitSpinner( 32, 'https://philosophy.ucla.edu/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/images/spinner.svg', true );jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_32').on('load',function(){var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >=...

Being in the World: Graduate School Panel

On Zoom

June 7, 2023 | 6:00PM – 7:00PM PT Zoom RSVP HERE   Are you considering going to grad school after earning your Philosophy degree? Join us for a virtual career panel discussion and Q&A with UCLA Philosophy alumni who are pursuing graduate degrees in Philosophy, Computer Science, and Visual Studies at Harvard, UC Berkeley, and UC Irvine!   Find out what our alumni are doing now and how they got there. Walk away with real-world advice for how to approach your post-grad career.   RSVP here to get the Zoom link     Meet the Speakers   John Abughattas, Ph.D...

Second Pan-American Symposium on the History of Logic: Existence and Nonexistence

Royce Hall 314 and Royce Hall 190

June 20-23, 2023 Royce Hall 314 & 190 (and Zoom) To register to attend (in-person and virtually): email panamhistoryoflogic@gmail.com View Conference Program   Please join us on June 20 – 23, 2023 in Royce 314 and Royce 190 (and online) for the Second Pan-American Symposium on the History of Logic.   Dates & Locations: Tuesday, June 20th @ Royce Hall 314 Wednesday, June 21st @ Royce Hall 314 Thursday, June 22nd @ Royce Hall 314 Friday, June 23rd @ Royce Hall 190   The symposium brings together specialists from all over the world, and in any academic discipline, to share...