Video, Photos and Testimonials


“Each stage of the my participation in the Editor-in-Residence program has been instrumental to my book project. The initial task of creating a project precis for my application to the program assisted me in identifying and articulating the focus of my work. The program then enabled me to establish a relationship with an editor at Oxford University Press, who was excited about my project and offered guidance as I refined my book proposal. I’m thrilled that the project is now under contract with Oxford! For me, the benefit of the EIR program has been twofold. First, the opportunity to learn from and develop relationships with visiting editors demystified the process of book publishing and set me on the path to a contract. Second, the feedback that I have received on my work through the program has helped me to more clearly focus my project, making my book even stronger.”

—Alexandra Apolloni, Program Coordinator, UCLA Center for the Study of Women

“The Editor in Residence program really opened doors for me, helped me to expand my network, and gave me confidence in my then-budding book project. Perhaps most importantly, participating in the EIR program allowed me to meet with an editor at Oxford University Press who passed my proposal on to another editor at OUP whose enthusiasm for my project led to a book contract! Looking back on it, the EIR program pushed me into a new, successful stage in my career in which I was offered a tenure-track position at a leading institution and a book contract with a leading academic publisher. I can’t say enough about how invaluable the Editor in Residence experience was for me.”

—Jill Rogers, Lecturer in Musicology, University College Cork

“As with the EIR program in general, it [lunch with Wissoker] set a very different and uniquely conducive tone for the exchange. One of the unexpected rewards of our meeting was that when I referred to my new introduction that I happened to be carrying around, Ken [Wissoker] asked if he could glance at it. He began reading it with enthusiasm and asked to keep a copy as it was the sort of thing he actively enjoys reading. We have been in touch since over email and he has reiterated his excitement about my project as well as the fact that he was “totally impressed with [my] introduction and the way [I] make the stakes clear right from the opening.”

— Carrie Hyde Assistant Professor of English, University of California, Los Angeles

Videos of Public Talks from Past Editor in Residence Fellows
  • Eric Zinner, “From Proposal to Publication: The Before and Afterlife of Your Book ” October 25, 2017 (Access to talk requires UCLA Logon) Click Here for Recording
  • Mary Francis, “The Ins and Outs of Peer Review” May 1, 2017 (Access to talk requires UCLA Logon) Click Here for Recording
  • Emily-Jane Cohen, “The Ins and Outs of Getting Published” October 20, 2016  (Access to talk requires UCLA Logon) Click Here for Recording
  • Alan Thomas “How to Publish Your Book in 18 Months” April 28, 2016 (Access to talk requires UCLA Logon) Click Here for Recording
  • Ken Wissoker, “The Art of Getting Published” April 29, 2015  

Selected Photos from Editor in Residence Public Talks: