Humanities Residential College


The Humanities Residential College (HRC) in Hedrick Hall 6 South is a partnership between UCLA Residential Life and the UCLA Division of Humanities. The HRC provides students with opportunities to combine their academic interests in the humanities with their residential life on campus.

In the Humanities Residential College, students with interests in the broad notion of humanistic study live together and have the option to enroll in Humanities themed quarter-long Fiat Lux seminars and year-long Cluster Courses

HRC students  have programs designed for them, and sponsored by the UCLA Division of Humanities and Residential Life, such as talks by professors, cultural events, or trips to museums, restaurants, and concerts with other students.

All students, regardless of major, are invited to participate in the Humanities Residential College. All you need is your passion to make living in the HRC a successful and enjoyable experience!

Benefits Include: Living in a community with a diverse group of students who share interests in languages, cultures, and the arts, building meaningful relationships with faculty members, getting involved in specially-designed programs in the community, such as art exhibits, film screenings, guest speakers, and a broad range of cultural experiences that will enhance your UCLA Residential Life Experience.

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Past Programs

Affiliated Faculty and Staff

Dr. Chris Hanscom, Asian Languages and Cultures

Dr. David Kim, Germanic Langauges

Dr.Tara Prescott, Writing Programs

Dr. David Schaberg, Dean of Humanities, Asian Languages and Cultures

Dr. David MacFadyen, Chair of Comparative Literature

Barbara Van Nostrand, Director of Student Affairs and Initiatives